Shugyou Shotokan Karate Do

Halifax only club to be affiliated to the Renshu Kai Karate Association (R.K.K.A)

Governing Body is the Amateur Martial Association  (WUKF) Member

Grading Syllabus

Orange Belt - 9th Kyu


  • Gedan Barai                            (5 steps forward 5 steps back)

  • Age Uke                                  (5 steps forward 5 steps back)

  • Soto Uke                                 (5 steps forward 5 steps back)

  • Oi Zuki                                    (5 steps forward 5 steps back)

  • Gyaku Zuki                             (5 steps forward 5 steps back)

  • Mae Geri                                (5 steps forward 5 steps back)

  • Yoko Geri Keage, with side movement in Kiba Dachi) x5 both legs
  • ​Yoko Geri Kokomi with side movement in Kiba Datchi x 5 both legs


Kihon Kata


5 step Gohon kumite